RE: Calendar Update
Dear MSD families and staff,
At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board took action to approve the request to the State Superintendent for a waiver of two school days and a revised school calendar for the remainder of the year. The revised calendar will provide time to make up the six days of school closure due to the winter storm in February by adding time to all of the remaining Friday’s through the end of the school year. We started the revised schedule on March 15 to ensure enough time would be included to meet the required instructional minutes for the school year. Every Friday going forward will be full school days with the exception of March 29 (conferences) and June 21 (last day of school). It is important to note that the dismissal time on June 18, 19, and 20 will follow the early release schedule as noted by the symbol identified on the bell schedule.
The revised calendar along with a bell schedule is linked for your reference.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
Jodi Runyon Director of Engagement and Outreach (360) 965-0005 or (360) 965-0000