Message from Dr. Zachary Robbins

Hello Marysville School District Students and Families,

My name is Dr. Zachary Scott Robbins, and I am the Superintendent of the Marysville School District. Welcome to the 2022 - 2023 school year! We are looking forward to welcoming our returning and new students to school!

Our primary duty is to provide a world-class education while keeping our students and staff safe and healthy. We will accomplish this through our professional educators and support staff meeting the educational, physical, social, and emotional needs of our students, as well as by following the guidelines outlined by the Department of Health: ( 

Our instructional and leadership staff have been busy this summer not only in their own professional learning but also providing in-person and online learning opportunities for students.

We will kick off the first day of school on September 1st with a “soft start.”  The purpose of this soft start is to connect our elementary students and students entering the 6th and 9th grades with their teachers and school community before the school year starts to help them feel connected and welcomed in their schools. Watch for more information from your child’s school for this and other important information. Also, school offices are now open to serve students and families.

As your Superintendent, it is an honor and privilege to serve the students and families of our Marysville and Tulalip community. On behalf of the Board of Directors and our district staff, we welcome our students and families back to school! 



Dr. Zachary Scott Robbins Superintendent

PS. Watch for important updates and information, including the Annual Notices and Back to School Guide, and information on bus routes on our District and school websites;  Follow us on Facebook (MarysvilleSD), Twitter (msd25), Instagram (msvlsd25), and Vimeo (MarysvilleSD).