Website Redesign Coming in the New Year
December 20, 2019
Dear Families and Staff,
In the coming weeks, there will be changes to the Marysville School District website with the individual school sites to follow after the winter break. The purpose of the full web redesign is to provide easier access and navigation, improving the experience for all users. The work will be done in phases but in the end, you can expect to see a new menu toolbar and quick links to information that is frequently accessed such as the school directory, bus routes, meal information, register for school, apply for jobs and site translation.
Moving to a new layout means that you may not be able to access information that was readily accessible on the old site. Please know that we will be working as quickly as possible to get appropriate information restored and accessible. We ask for your patience during this transition time. If you need information that you cannot locate on the sites, please call the district office for assistance at (360) 965-0000.
Have an enjoyable winter break! Stay safe and warm. School resumes Monday, January 6, 2020.