Happy Monday ELC! This week's Educational Lessons are now available on our Academics Page or by clicking here: https://5il.co/qtuy REMINDER: There’s NO SCHOOL for ELC students and no Educational Lessons during the following weeks: Conference Week: March 29th - April 2nd Spring Break: April 5th - 9th
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Meal Information: The last day for meal service delivery for bus routes will be Friday, March 19. Meals for students not returning for in-person learning will still be available at each elementary school Monday - Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (for all grades). Meals will not be provided during spring break (April 5 - 9) but will resume on April 12 at the elementary school sites. The community food bank is open and able to provide meal support where needed.
almost 4 years ago, Marysville School District
Hello ELC families! We hope you had a great weekend! Reminder that this week's Educational Lessons are now available on our Academics page, or by clicking this link: https://5il.co/qmms Happy learning!
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy sunny Monday ELC! This week's Educational Lessons are now available by visiting our Academics Page, or clicking here: https://5il.co/qcru Have a great week!
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy Friday ELC! Take a moment to see what our sea otter friends are up to this weekend at the Seattle Aquarium by watching their live Otter Cams: https://www.seattleaquarium.org/live-cams/otter-cams
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Fun Friday
Happy Monday ELC! This week's Educational Lessons are now available by visiting our Academics Page: https://bit.ly/2ZZPbDF We are so excited to welcome back our Developmental Preschoolers back on campus in hybrid this week! Happy learning!
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
If your child will be 5 before August 31st, please join our ELC Cafe today on zoom to discuss preparing for kindergarten. Email moiya_rossnagle@msvl.k12.wa.us for the zoom link!
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Kindergarten Readiness
If your child will be 5 before August 31st, it's time to think about kindergarten! Don't miss our ELC Cafe this Friday, February 26 at 11:00 AM. Principal Cassarino will be talking all things kindergarten, from registration to readiness. Email moiya_rossnagle@msvl.k12.wa.us for the zoom invitation!
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Kindergarten Readiness
This week we are celebrating 100 days of school! Our Educational Lessons this week are based around the number 100 (find them here: https://5il.co/pt2p). At our February Deployment we had some fun providing math games, materials, and 100th day glasses for our students! Check out the slideshow here: https://5il.co/ptij
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
100 Days
Happy Monday ELC! This week's Educational Lessons are now available by visiting our Academics page, or by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3aHJnoo
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy Friday ELC! Is your child going to kindergarten next year? Don't miss our next ELC Cafe on Friday, February 26 at 11:00 AM. Principal Cassarino will be talking all things kindergarten, from registration to readiness. Email moiya_rossnagle@msvl.k12.wa.us for the zoom invitation!
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Kindergarten Readiness
Hello ELC Families! This week's Educational Lessons are now available by visiting our Academics Page, or clicking here: https://bit.ly/3s38bwL If your child attends class in-person, please use our new Health Screening Form (to be completed on Mondays, or the first day they attend). You can access the form by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2LWjLut
almost 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy Monday ELC! You can now access this week's Educational Lessons by visiting our Academics Page, or by clicking here: https://bit.ly/36T5Ix2 Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL this Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15 in honor of President's Day.
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy Friday ELC! Check out Art for Kids Hub for fun, guided drawing for your kids...this link will take you to some lessons designed specifically for younger children! https://bit.ly/3tG7Emm
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Fun Friday
Happy Tuesday ELC! Our Educational Lessons are now available, you can view them by clicking here: https://www.msd25.org/o/early-learning-center/page/2020-2021-educational-lessons
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy Friday ELC! Remember, there is NO SCHOOL this Monday, February 1st. Regularly scheduled classes resume on Tuesday. Check out our February Newsletter from Principal Cassarino by clicking on this link: https://5il.co/p25n Have a great long weekend!
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Fun Friday
Last week we had the pleasure of hosting a Parent Education Night with Children's Behavior Therapist Ali Lipshin. If you were interested but unable to attend, you can view her presentation by clicking on this link: https://5il.co/ovp5
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
ELC Parent Ed Night Slides
Our January Deployment was a "Mask-arade"! Our students had the opportunity to wear their favorite masks while picking supplies and saying hello. To watch the slideshow from this event, click on this link: https://5il.co/oy57
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
ELC "Mask-arade" Slideshow
Happy Monday ELC Students and Families! Welcome to the last week of January. Our Educational Lessons for this week are now available by visiting our Academics Page: http://www.msvl.k12.wa.us/o/early-learning-center/page/2020-2021-educational-lessons We hope you have a great week!
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons
Happy Tuesday ELC families! We hope you enjoyed the long weekend. This week's Educational Lessons are now available by visiting our Academics page: http://www.msvl.k12.wa.us/o/early-learning-center/page/2020-2021-educational-lessons
about 4 years ago, Early Learning Center
Educational Lessons