Dear Parents and Guardians,
On Wednesday, November 4, the Marysville School District will launch a student survey.
Students in grades 3-12 will be given an opportunity to provide feedback to their teachers on a variety of topics including classroom engagement, social emotional learning, classroom climate, sense of belonging, and teacher and student relationships.
Additionally, students in grades 3-12 will be able to provide insight on their school experience and on their wellness.
Student responses are anonymous and will help the district and schools to make improvements to our programs.
If you have any questions about the student survey, please reach out to your child's school.
Dr. Chris Pearson, Executive Director, Elementary Schools
Dr. Rod Merrell, Executive Director, Secondary Schools
Marysville School District
Teaching and Learning Department
It's Election Day! Remember to Vote! Need more information? Check out the How, Where, and When to Vote from
Ballots must be postmarked or dropped off in ballot boxes no later than 8:00 pm PST.
Wow! Local non-profit Kinder Konnection donates $2,000 to the MSD Connections Center McKinney Vento Trust! Kinder Konnections statement says they deliver a broad range of services to homeless and underserved children in public schools. They strive to take care of essential needs year-round. MSD Program Director Andrea Wyatt, Liaison Deanna Bashour, and the Marysville School District are so very appreciative of of this very generous donation. #MSDCares
It's National Principals Month. Our principals work hard every day to provide the best education and leadership possible for students and staff. THANK YOU, MSD Principals for your dedication and commitment to our Marysville and Tulalip students and families. #ThankAPrincipal
Monday, October 12 is Indigenous Peoples Day. This day celebrates indigenous peoples and their cultures. Remote learning and small group instruction will be in session. Learn more about Indigenous Peoples Day through this video created by our staff members:
UPDATE: OSPI Internet Access Program - Our district will receive the required code for the application process soon and we will communicate with families on next steps. To be eligible for the program, students and their families must: Not have had internet connectivity in the home prior to August 2020; be able to show they are low-income and eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
OSPI has released its plan to support families who do not have access to the internet. The "K–12 Internet Access Program" connects students in need of internet access at home with no cost to the student or their family. Go to to learn more about joining, eligibility, and to review the Q/A.
NOTICE: Slight schedule change for meals delivered on bus routes. Go to to review the bus schedule. Also, free meals are available at each elementary school Monday through Friday, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm and through bus routes in areas not close to the schools. Don't forget to complete and return the Free and Reduced Price-meal application as soon as possible even if you feel you may not qualify.
Jim Strickland, Life Skills Teacher, joins former student in support of Leah's Dream Foundation.
Story courtesy of, 9/23/20
If you receive a Google Classroom/LittleSis email invitation, it is a legitimate email! If you have not responded to this invitation in the past, some parents/guardians of students in grades K-12 may receive an email from Google Classroom. Please accept the invitation.
September 15 - October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us in celebrating the rich history and culture of our students, families, neighbors, and community members. "Be proud of your past, embrace the future". More...
Students and families, we are so happy to have you "virtually" back to school. We know it doesn't look or feel the same as normal but you've got this and we are here for you! Please contact your school if you have not been in touch, and remember, free meals are available at each elementary school and through bus routes in areas not close to the schools. Stay safe and healthy. #WeAreMSD
We are wrapping up our welcome back week for students in grades 1 - 12 and begin remote learning on Monday! We also welcome preschool and kindergarten connecting with their schools Monday. If you have not checked in with your school or are not registered for school, reach out to your neighborhood school or the district office today.
The free meals program is up and running! Free meals for every child age 1- 18 at each elementary school between 11:00 - 12:30 M - F and through select bus routes in areas farthest from schools - watch for the big yellow bus! Clear for more information and access to bus routes:
REMINDER: We are in Phase 3 of the Technology Plan for grades 3 - 5 (now) and K - 2 (later). Chromebooks for 1:1 distribution for grades 3 - 5 will occur at your child's school with supply distribution. Read more here:
It's time to update your contact information at your child's school! We don't want you to miss out on important information from their teacher or school. Update through Family Access or call your school.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month.
Connecting to Google Classroom! Join Curriculum Director Brynn Marcum on how to connect to Google Classroom using your child's email and password. Watch the video here:
Schools are preparing for our students to return in the online learning platform. Student Remote Learning Schedules can be viewed here:
September 9 - 11 will be "welcome back week". Watch for important updates from your child's school.
Good News! Free Meals Program Extended
The USDA recently passed a waiver to extend the free meals program into the fall. This extension means that our school district will be able to continue to provide free meals for all children ages 1 - 18 and those enrolled in our online and 18 - 21-year old programs. This good news significantly impacts our program and the ways we can provide meal services for children. We had recently shared that the free meal program had ended and adjusted the way that meals would be available. With the new extension, we are now working on developing our meal distribution procedure for the start of school and into the fall. It will be different from the spring and the summer in some ways, but most importantly, we will be able to continue to provide free meals for children. Please stay tuned for more information in the coming days.