REMINDER: Cyber Camp and NJROTC Information Night for middle and high school students:
Are you interested in exploring careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future? We welcome all interested Marysville students to join us in an informational Zoom session this Wednesday evening.
Invitation about the opportunity to participate in a summer Cyber Camp that will be hosted by our own Marysville NJROTC Cyber-Patriot students.
What is NJROTC? NJROTC is a program of instruction offered by secondary level educational institutions with the approval of the Navy. The purpose of these programs is to instill in students in secondary educational institutions the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. No military obligation incurred to participate in NJROTC.
DATE: May 19
TIME: 6:15 p.m.
Cyber Camp & NJROTC Summer Orientation Info Meeting
HOSTED BY: Naval Science Instructors, Marysville NJROTC Unit
Cyber Patriot's National Youth Cyber Defense Competition is the world's largest cybersecurity competition and is open to all schools and approved youth organizations.
REMINDER! Hello, please take a moment to complete a short survey to help us plan to bring students back 100% in-person in the Fall. Go to THANK YOU! (If you have already taken the survey, please disregard this message).
Filing window for school board seats ends May 21: Individuals interested in running for a school board seat during the November 2021 election must submit their intent to the Snohomish County Elections Office during the May 17 - 21, 2021 filing window. The following seats are open for either a 4-year or 2-year term for any citizen residing in each of the Director District areas:
District Director 1: 4-year term
District Director 3: (Current open seat) 2-year term, the successfully appointed director will need to file to maintain seat if interested.
District Director 4: 4-year term
District Director 5: 2-year term
Residency in Director areas may be confirmed by calling the Snohomish County Elections office at (425) 388-3444. The Snohomish County Elections office provides resources for those interested in serving including a Candidate Guide and Filing for Office webpage. Go to of Directors to view maps of the Director areas and to view additional resources.
For more information, contact Toni Bartley, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at (360) 965-0001 or email
Reminder: Families, and Students entering grades 9 - 12,
When: May 11, 6:00-7:00 PM
Please join us for an informational meeting about the Regional Apprenticeship Pathways Program.
See below for access to the Zoom meeting:
ZOOM Link:
Passcode: 866104
One-tap mobile: +12532158782,,85841475732#
By phone: 1 (253) 215-8782
Webinar ID: 858 4147 5732
The May/June Parent Bootcamp series for Student Academic Engagement and Social Emotional Health is kicking off soon! It is time to register for the free sessions on stress and trauma and growth vs. fixed mindsets. Contact Judy Tupen by email at or call (360) 965-0052 to reserve your spot.
Native American Art Walk (art festival) coming soon! Student submissions for grades K -12 are due by May 6.
Msvl. WA - Marysville School District No. 25 will host its Native American Education Program yearly public hearing review for the 2021 - 2022 Title VI Grant on May 6, 2021, at 4:00 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom. Interested parties please contact Karla Wright at and a Zoom link will be sent.
High school credit retrieval summer courses registration is now open. Go to for more information and registration link.
April 19 - 23 is Public School Volunteer Week. We thank our dedicated parent volunteers and honor their contributions to our schools. From donating time to assisting with classroom and school activities, parent volunteers play an important role in our schools. When schools and families work together to support learning, everyone benefits. Thank you!
New information about bus routes as we welcome students in grades 6 and 9 to school in-person on 6/14 and 6/15 and all students in grades 6 - 12 on 6/19. Go to for details.
Are you couch-surfing, or doubled-up at a friend or family’s house? We might be able to offer you some supports for school-related needs, including food and clothing.
Call or text 360-913-1183 or
Reminder! Students grades 8 - 12 and families, don't miss the opportunity to learn about the Regional Apprenticeship program and how the program prepares students for a career in the trades. Join the Zoom meeting tonight at 6:00 pm:
Passcode: 763362
Meal Information: The last day for meal service delivery for bus routes will be Friday, March 19. Meals for students not returning for in-person learning will still be available at each elementary school Monday - Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (for all grades). Meals will not be provided during spring break (April 5 - 9) but will resume on April 12 at the elementary school sites. The community food bank is open and able to provide meal support where needed.
Trouble viewing the Berry Bowl? Here is a direct link to Vimeo where the game is streaming live: or go to
Did you know? The Connections Center has resources and support such as food, clothing, and more for unhoused students. Call or text Deanna Bashour @ 360-913-1183 or visit
Watch MG and MP sports via live stream tonight (3/5) and tomorrow (3/6)! Tonight, MG Soccer, 7:30 pm, MP Volleyball 7:00 pm, Saturday, MP Football, 7:00 pm. Tune in to one of the three options to view:
JV footage may be aired prior to varsity games. For sports schedules, go to
We are proud of our student broadcasting team (MSBN)!
The Marysville School District invites you to a Community Forum tonight, Thursday, March 4, 6:00 pm, via Zoom to meet candidates for the position of Executive Director of Special Education Services. The candidates will be asked questions that participants can listen in on and then provide feedback using an electronic form. Click below to join the Zoom Webinar: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. Passcode: 983206 Or iPhone one-tap: +12532158782,,82909146656# US (Tacoma) Or join by phone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 829 0914 6656
Marysville Student Broadcasting Network will live stream the first at-home sporting events tonight, March 3, live streaming both girls’ soccer games when MP hosts Stanwood and MG hosts Arlington. Please remember that we are at the mercy of our connection and we may not be able to control data speeds. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we begin this new venture, and work through training our student-led MSBN team.
Connect with us on the Marysville School District Facebook site (, and YouTube (MarysvilleSD).
Go Tomahawks and go Chargers!
Our apologies for the technical difficulties. Here is the new link for the community forum for the Executive Director of Equity and Family Engagement: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Passcode: 146793
The Marysville School District invites you to a Community Forum on Wednesday, February 24, 6:00 pm, via Zoom to meet candidates for the position of Executive Director of Equity and Family Engagement.
The candidates will be asked questions that participants can listen in on and then provide feedback using an electronic form.
Click below to join the Zoom Webinar:
When: Feb 24, 2021, 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)Topic: Executive Director of Equity and Family Engagement Community Forum
Please click the link below to join the webinar: 961226