Students/Families log into Naviance on your school specific URL, the links are below~

Username= student's district email (ending in _

Password= student ID # (7 digits, using 1 zero in front), or use "forgot password" to reset.

  • 10th Street Middle SchoolLogin

  • Cedarcrest Middle School Login

  • Marysville Middle School Login

  • Totem Middle School Login

  • Heritage High School Login

  • Marysville Getchell High School Login

  • Marysville Mountain View Arts & Technology High School Login

  • Marysville Pilchuck Login

  • School to Home Partnership Program Login



Naviance is a comprehensive 6-12 college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life.


Each student’s path is unique. How can your school or district help all students reach their unique goals by connecting their passion to their future? Naviance allows students to create a personalized plan that helps them make the right decisions throughout their academic journey.


Connecting students' interests to their potential career paths early ensures active participation in their own academic success and opens their eyes to the wide world of career opportunities. The career planning tools in Naviance allow students to understand how their strengths, goals, skills, and interests can lead to exciting careers.


Early academic planning is critical to helping students achieve long-term success by aligning their interests with their chosen path. Naviance keeps students focused on their objectives by helping students, families, and staff create course plans that not only match students’ interests but also fulfill graduation requirements and align to postsecondary goals.


Students build confidence by trying new things, pursuing what they love, and learning from their missteps in a safe environment. Naviance is that safe place—by helping students focus on what’s strong, reflect on their interests and strengths, and explore a wide-variety of career options.

Tips for navigating in your Family Connection account:

  • The HSBP requirements are located in the links to the left by grade level, along with other helpful links.

  • Curriculum lessons are under Resources in “My lessons” link on the left, these are assigned during advisory.

  • Use the “Home” button (upper left) to navigate back to the front page.

  • Explore the tabs across the top of the home page: Colleges, Careers, About Me, and Planner.

  • Colleges: Search and compare colleges, find scholarships, keep track of applications & college rep visits.

  • Careers: Find career assessments and surveys, watch the inspiring “Road Trip Nation” videos.

  • About Me: Keep track of the work you have completed, all of your work is summarized in the “portfolio”, you can also access the resume builder under “interesting things about me”.

  • Planner: See tasks that have been assigned to you, keep your own To-Do list or calendar.

  • Questions?? Contact your school counselor or advisory teacher.